Children's Ministry

"But Jesus called the children to him and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.'"

- Luke 18:16-18 (NIV)

Junior Church

During each church service, the children (6th grade and younger) are invited to leave the sanctuary and head downstairs to our fellowship hall for junior church. We understand that this decision is one that is best decided by you, their parent. But know that our congregational leaders and teachers love your kids like their own and only wish to help them deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ!

We have options to make you and your children feel the most at home at Hopewell Grace Church. 

Sanctuary Nursery

Have a little babe that you want to hold but are worried about "interrupting" the sermon? 

At HGC we LOVE littles, interruptions and all! But if you feel like you need to step out for a minute and still wish to hear the sermon, head to the back of the sanctuary and find our sanctuary nursery. 

Basement Nursery

Do you have a little one who loves to interact with other littles? Are you comfortable with congregation leaders watching your child? If so, then the basement nursery is perfect for you and your family. Our nursery children are dismissed from church and will head downstairs with the youth and leaders where they will head to the nursery room to learn more about Jesus and His love for us!

Vacation Bible School

Each summer Hopewell Grace Church holds a week long Vacation Bible School for grades Pre-K through 6th grade. This is a great opportunity to allow your children to learn the basics of the Gospel and deepen their relationship with God and other fellow believers. 

2024's Vacation Bible School theme is SCUBA and will be held June 10th-14th from 6-8:30pm. Friday, June the 14th is our family night where families are encouraged to come and end the week of fun together with their kids. Sign ups are open now and can be completed by clicking the link below!

We hope to see your kiddos at this year's SCUBA Vacation Bible School!