Youth Ministry

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

- Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

Youth Group

Hopewell Grace Church holds youth group for kids in grades 7-12 every Sunday night from 6pm-8pm. Drop your kids off to learn more about Jesus, His love for us, and His desire for us to grow a relationship with Him.

Be sure to check the calendar at the bottom of the page to ensure that youth group is planned for the evening you wish to bring your children!

Junior Church

During each church service, the children and youth are invited to leave the sanctuary and head downstairs to our fellowship hall for junior church. We understand that this decision is one that is best decided by you, their parent. But know that our congregational leaders and teachers love your kids like their own and only wish to help them deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ!

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...